Sweet Like Candy


I come in a beautiful wrapper,
Tempting and mysterious,
I dare you to open me.
My insides are sweet like candy, the delicious kind
and yet my will is stronger than the strongest metal,
You will not break me.

The type of sweet I am changes everyday depending on my moods
Which change like the tide, unpredictable and strong willed.
I flow in whichever direction I please,
I dare you to attempt to change my destiny.

Amongst the intricacy, one thing remains irrevocable,
I am sweet like the best type of candy
The kind of brand that evokes sweet sensations,
Notice how my foundational layers infect you,
Delicate yet lethal. I am poison to some.
Like diabetes, too much of a sweet thing, will only spoil

You cannot handle me.
So take what you may,
Try and overcome the desire to overdose from me
My sweetness is sweet like candy
and deadly like the prowling tigress
Like all things in life, Moderation.

By T.D

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